Mood:Hellogoodbye (even though I can´t listen to it)
Things needed for a wealthy country (according to my observations):
- Good Education
- Good Transportation
- Good Sanitation
Blog: Its day five in Bolivia, I think I have 12 days left. Not that Bolivia isn´t great, but I like my creature comforts, and fluency in the English language. I did fast offerings (a tithe done on fast sunday) with the young men in my Bolivian ward (or branch I´m not sure), and it was way cooler than normal because I got to talk to my partners (in spanish) about life in Bolivia and life in the States. Minimum wage in Bolivia is 1.25 bs (13 cents) and when I told them I make 6 dollars an hour, they were floored. It takes them an entire day of work (six hours) to get one dollar. The thought it was funny how things are more expensive in the U.S., especially haircuts and ice cream. They almost died when I told them a movie ticket is 7.75 USD (somewhere around 50bs), because here an evening showing is 25 bs (4 USD).
Last night Sam, Ben and I were approached by some Bolivian stoners who asked us if we wanted some pot, it was actually kind of funny. I also finished one of my two books for English summer reading. It was the book that we could choose, and I chose Angela´s Ashes. Although I primarily chose it because it said objectionable content and language in parenthesis next to it on my sheet, I really enjoyed it. My mom had read it before and she really like it. It´s sad, funny, disturbing, and thought provoking all at the same time. The only part I found that would fit under the objectionable content was near the last 50 pages or so. But it was a sweet book. Highly recomend it.
I think I´m starting to spend to much time with Sam, and I´m starting to lose my mind. He´s a cool friend and all, but spending everyday with him is starting to kill me. If this is missionary prep, I´m probably going to fail. Him and his brother say they have a higher form of humour than me, but think its funny everytime they say my fingers are long. I think its funny, but five days straight and at least once an hour is going to put me in the insane asylum.
I hate to admit it , but I am getting a little homesick.