Friday, July 27, 2007

Life is like a Peanut

Mood: Chill

Quote: "Life is a sexually transmitted disease."-R. D. Laing (If that isn't the best quote you've ever seen I don't know what is.)

The Invisible: By far one of the dumbest movies I have ever seen. The disappointing thing about this movie is that it should have been really good. The story concept is excellent, but for some reason it was written to be pathetic. The worst part of the whole movie is that the guy who is "sort of" dead falls in love with his murderer. How pathetic is that! Its like the Stockholm syndrome, only worse, and in a movie. Fortunately I saw it at the dollar movie theatre, but even then... 2/5 stars
Freedom Writers: I watched this last night at my grandma's house, and I must say it was one of the best movies I have seen. Based on a true story about a teacher who teaches English in a school in a gang-infested Long Beach school. It is an excellent and inspirational film. 5/5 stars

The good, the bad, and the ugly of working in a record store:

  • People ask you retarded questions (e.g. How much is the new Honda Civic? First of all, why are you getting a Civic. Second of all, why are you asking a a young kid that works in a CD store?)
  • You work with cool people.
  • You get to listen to new music (and know who's who)
  • Some bands have funny names
  • Some people insist they know what is right (e.g. "They have an album called stick it to the moon" (which, in american lingo makes no sense). "My computer shows that there is no Stick it to the Moon, however, there is a Stick it to the Man album. Do you want me to get it for you?" (which makes perfect sense in American lingo). "No, I know, it is Stick it to the Moon." "Ok, whatever you say." (Don't listen to the young, hip and trendy guy that works in a place where he sells what you're looking for you forty-year old hag)).

Blog: At the rate of which I tend to offend people, in the near future it would probably be a good idea to relocate my residence. Fortunately for me, my grandparents live nearby, and because I go up there so often, it is practically my second home, complete with my own toothbrush and room. So on that fateful night when the entire city decides to come after me, I can step into my jetta and drive away, laughing at the scary-looking, murder-minded folks with pitchforks coming after me. That is when, while driving home from my future hiding place, that it occurred to me. Life is like a peanut.

Life is like a peanut because it is simple, relatively short, smooth, and wonderfully delicious. But, like life, a peanut can get complicated. There is peanut butter, and various other peanut sauces. Peanuts when scrutinized, have fats, trans fats, monosaturated fats, proteins, minerals, and all sorts of other wacky little things that the average person doesn't really understand. In essence, a peanut can be looked at in two ways, simple, or rather complicated and relatively unhealthy. A peanut is like life.

Or is life like a peanut? One can never be sure. Life can be taken simply, or scrutinized and seen as a complicated. Personally I prefer the simple approach to peanuts and to life.

Some people however, choose to think of the only the bad and complicated things that make up peanuts, and not the good simple things. All some people can think about is that peanuts are abundant in LDL ("bad cholestoral"), and thus are horribly bad. People tend to look this way at life. There are numerous people who only see the LDL (Live Die Lie) in life, and not the necessary protein in it.

And that my friends, is why life is like a peanut. Which way will you look at it?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Personality Boredom

Mood: Anything upbeat

Quote: "Its a rare person who hears what he doesn't want to hear" -Dick Cavett

Things to do when bored:

  1. Do chores
  2. Lip-sing to music
  3. Talk to family
  4. Practice guitar
  5. Take personality tests

Blog: Because I am horribly bored I have dedicated today to be the day of Personality testing. Here are my test results:

(Personality Online)-

Mercurial(Emotions, Relationships, Self-Control)
Life is a rollercoaster, insist you come along for the ride, yearn for experience, enduring to emotional weather changes.

Romantic attachment:
Mercurial individuals must always be deeply involved in a romantic relationship with one person.
They experience a passionate, focused attachment in all their relationships. Nothing that goes on between them and other people is trivial,nothing taken lightly.
They show what they feel. They are emotionally active and reactive. Mercurial types put their hearts into everything.
They are uninhibited, spontaneous, fun-loving, and undaunted by risk.
Energy marks the Mercurial style. These individuals can stir others to activity.
Open mind:
They are imaginative and curious, willing to experience and experiment with other cultures, roles, and value systems and to follow new paths.

Three Global Personalities (">Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test">personality tests by

Myers-Briggs Personality Profile-ESTJ (Extroverted Sensing Thinking Judging) more information can be found at , and I took the test at

The Big 5 (

Big Five Test Results
Extroversion (68%) moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.
Accommodation (42%) moderately low which suggests you are, at times, overly selfish, uncooperative, and difficult at the expense of the well being of others.
Orderliness (52%) medium which suggests you are moderately organized, structured, and self controlled while still remaining flexible, varied, and fun.
Emotional Stability (70%) high which suggests you are very relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.
Inquisitiveness (82%) high which suggests you are very intellectual, curious, imaginative but possibly not very practical.">Take Free Big Five Personality Test">personality tests by

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Harry Potter Nerd Unveiled

Mood: New EFY CD I got this past week

Quote: "I'm just angry. All the time" -Daniel Radcliffe (as Harry Potter) in Order of the Phoenix


  • Transformers- This is possibly the best movie I have seen all summer. It was AWESOME! Everything kicks trash, from Shia Lebouf (or something)'s hot co-star to Optimus Prime and Megatron. Being a huge fan of the Transformers as a young lad, this movie rocked my socks off. 5/5 stars
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix-Definitely the best of the five Harry Potter movies. Umbridge was perfect, and it was just a cool movie in general. I haven't recently read the fifth book, so I was cool with everything. 4/5 stars

Now time to splurge on my nerdiness: If I was a wizard:

  • Any identifiable marks: Just my awesome personality
  • Affiliated house: As established by two tests in a previous post I would be in Hufflepuff (rock on Hufflepuff).
  • Since I would probably be intelligent enough to be an animagus: Probably a monkey, or some primate, of which species or sub species I am not sure, maybe a howler monkey... (I developed a deep love of monkeys while playing with them in Bolivia).
  • Patronus: A monkey of a similar species to my Animagus form.
  • Favorite subject: Charms

Now that I have officially out nerded myself, feel free to never talk to me ever again.

Blog: I went to EFY (especially for youth), which was really fun, and I met a lot of people. Emrys (one of my favorite people) walked into my group by a fluke, it was awesome! Not to mention cheer camp was the same week...

One of the greatest phenomenas of modern literature happened this Saturday, the release of Harry Potter 7: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I read it, of course, and it was AWESOME! Everything about it, pure AWESOME (notice all caps). Everything happened perfectly, especially the Ron and Hermione make out scene (which I totally called). It was just AWESOME! Can you say it five times? AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME! Now how about 20 times? .

Life is going pretty good, I'm working 23 hours this week, which will be the most I've worked all summer. Harry Potter is definitely the answer to everything.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Welcome to Life

Mood: Anything with a lot of bass and strings

Quote: "These are my principles. If you don't like them, I have other ones."-Groucho Marx

Rules I govern my life on:

  1. If it is your car you get shotgun, if someone is driving their car, tallest person gets the front seat.
  2. Always be yourself
  3. Always ask and know

Blog: The last two days have been wonderful. I've flushed toilet paper down the toilet, drunk water, and ate fruit and vegetables (without worrying whether or not they were contaminated). I also, for the first time in two weeks hung out with my friends. It was quite the experience, and most of the time was spent on how much we could make fun of eachother (in humor Sam wouldn't approve of). Then for some inexplicable reason, I did something I hadn't done in forever, girls actually came over to my house and I hung out with them. It was awesome. The strangest part was that they came over when Kyle was talking to them, which is a miracle in and of itself.

My cell phone is malfunctioning (the second time in less than a year), and its starting to tick me off. The screen goes white, or gets jumbled up. Every once in awhile it goes upside down (texting with your phone upside down is pretty fun). But now, after two days I'm going away to Logan for EFY (which my parents are not happy about).

My life has also been invaded by a certain someone who I was convinced (by a source) who was supposedly loathed my very being. Fortunately, I did learn (a month later and from a much more reliable source) that I am not loathed. It is still an invasion, even if only for two hours, I shut myself out of the world for a reason, and I would like to keep it that way. She invades my thoughts, and the thought of my hopeless cause is painful. I hate hopeless causes, and this one is hopeless at best.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Oh the Glory

Mood: Anything that wasn't on Sam's iTunes

Greatest things in the U.S.

  1. Fast internet
  2. Refillable Drinks
  3. Cold drinks (with ice)
  4. Drinkable tap water
  5. Toilet paper that flushes down the toilet

Quote: "You suck American Airlines"-Me

Blog: As you may have seen on my last post, I was supposed to leave maybe at ten. I ended up leaving at two (which means 9 hours in the airport). I landed in Miami at 11 pm, and because I there weren't going to be any flights to Dallas and then on to Salt Lake, I got a hotel voucher and once again stayed in a nice hotel. After sleeping horribly (it didn't have anything to do with the hotel), I got up at five (three hours of sleep), got a shuttle to the airport, and eventually caught my flight. I made it home, without one delay, it was one of the best days of my whole trip.

I arrived today at noon in Salt Lake City, twenty four hours late. It didn't matter too much, I was still happy to be home-ish. I say home-ish because I had to stay in Salt Lake for two hours with my dad at his work (he had some stuff he had to do). But its all good, right now I am home. Thats all that matters. I'm smelly, totally unhygenic (I could pass for a crack addict right now), but I'm home. Home in the land of flushable toilet paper, fast internet, normal drivers, hot showers, fireworks, English, good-looking people, and fresh fruit and vegetables. I am home.

I also learned that the class schedule for my school is up. For right now I have:

  1. Seminary
  2. Basketball/Volleyball
  3. AP Calculus BC
  4. Physiology
  5. AP Language-Composition
  6. AP Spanish
  7. AP Psychology

I do realize however, that this is prone to change (I am also missing a sixth period, or in this case, 8th period). Quite unusual, but I'll have to fix it, when I am able to. Right now, I think, I will take a shower, shave, and clip my crack addict finger nails. Hallelujah!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Post from La Paz (aaaaargh)

Mood: Something good

Countdown: Haven´t the faintest clue anymore

Airports are bad because_:

  1. The exchange rate is horrible
  2. Everything is more expensive (the internet café I am in is 10 bs an hour, the average is 2bs)
  3. The people are slow
  4. The workers don´t know anything

Blog: Technically I am not in La Paz, I am in El Alto, which is just as bad. They are both in Bolivia... As you can tell I am not using contractions mainly because I am using a Spanish keyboard right now, which is lame.

Last night my plane got cancelled. Cancelled! Cancelled because of some lame mechanical reason. So after I found out I had to wait for about to hours to fix my flight, get a room and vouchers. I wouldn´t have a bed in the Dearden´s apartment, so I decided to take up the offer of staying in a five star hotel that American Airlines provided. It was a nice hotel, however, I didn´t sleep at all because I was worried I would miss my flight (they told us to be at the airport at 5:30). So after four hours of sleep, I got ready, and once again took a taxi to the airport. When I arrived, I learned that I wasn´t allowed to get my boarding pass until 8:30. Actually, not even get my boarding pass, I wasn´t allowed to wait in line! At the time of post I still have one more hour until I can wait in line. If I am lucky, maybe I can make it home by four in the morning, but who knows. Currently, there is no schedule for my plane to leave, but they say around ten. I didnt eat because I was in a hurry to get into the airport, and right now I only have American Dollars (which gives me a horrible exchange rate).

I have met some really cool people though, and they have all been really nice, and I even met some people my age. A lot of people on my flight are starting to clump together and pass around news, which is pretty fun. Other than that I can´t think of a worse place to be, an airport with n idea when you are going to get out. One day, hopefully I will see you all again, but the again, who knows?

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Last Bolivian Blog Post

Mood: Iron & Wine

Countdown: 4 hours until lift-off. 13 hours until I set foot on U.S. soil. 22 hours until Utah is graced with my presence.

Things I got from not taking AP U.S. History:

  1. If I was unlucky an hour of homework a month
  2. The coolest teacher ever!
  3. Awesome people in my class that I wouldn't have met otherwise
  4. Awesome student teachers
  5. A 4 on the AP U.S. History Exam
That's correct. I got a 4 on my AP U.S. History test. Same grade (as a lot of people) and none of the work. I successfully beat the academic system.

Blog: After rubbing that in, I'd like to say it one more time. I got a 4 on the AP U.S. History test without taking the class. No worksheets, no lunch-time-library-study-time, and the same result (as far as a college would be concerned). Life is easier when you're naturally gifted and intelligent. I needed to rub it in, I can't help myself.

The other day my debit card died (actually lost), you can imagine how depressed that made me. Not only that, but other people knew their scores and I didn't (living in a country a long ways from home will do that to you), and Kyle e-mailed me saying I got a two (which he confessed to lying after I figured that my family wasn't even home). I then e-mailed my mom and dad and and they both said fours, this definitely lightened up my day. I let out a series of whoops, which woke up someone who was sleeping, and then I pranced around a little bit. I also learned that I got a 28 on my ACT (without studying), which means my goal for a 32 (so I can get into Oxford) is feasible. This brightened up my day considerably, and since I got my mom to cancel my debit card, everything turned out to be awesome.

I'm leaving to the airport in roughly an hour, which means that in one hour I will:
  • Not have anyone correct me
  • Not have anyone try to change me
  • Not have anyone to make pointless criticisms of me
  • Not have anyone think I'm going to change
Life can't get much better than that. Lets be honest, if you had people doing the above said things to you every seconds, you'd be happy to leave irregardless of the circumstances. So I guess with this post I would like to say goodbye to Bolivia
  • Goodbye used toilet paper in garbage cans by toilets
  • Goodbye really smoggy part of town
  • Goodbye smelly streets and rivers
  • Goodbye stray dogs
  • Goodbye poor people
  • Goodbye rich people
  • Goodbye beggars
  • Goodbye 70's decour
  • Goodbye Dearden family
  • Goodbye La Paz
  • Goodbye Bolivia!
What a great thing. I survived, and now I'm coming back with some pretty good pictures (a few really good ones), and some cool clothes. Goodbye Bolivia!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Unfortunately (for a lot of people) I'm still Alive

Mood: Iron & Wine

Countdown: One more morning

Five things that Hurt:

  1. The place right below my butt (I wasn't aware that it had nerves)
  2. My hands (encompassing the wrist, palm, and my fingers)
  3. A little part of my thigh
  4. My neck
  5. My feelings
Blog: "Everyone got 4's, but I'm getting a five," at least that's what Sam just said (finally, proof that he is just as arrogant as I am). Congratulations to all the people who got their test scores. Seeing as I am in Bolivia, and my parents aren't electronically hip enough to have e-mail outside of work, I still haven't received my AP (or ACT) test scores. Maybe I'll find out today from my dad, but who knows... Yesterday I biked the world's most dangerous road, which was very rocky. I only almost died a couple of times, and I'm still alive (which I know some people wish wouldn't have happened). Let's be honest, I offend some (or actually, a lot) of people.
"Because of this event ( being alive), the "Last Will and Testimony of " is null and void. All inheritances alloted to the various individuals are canceled, and would like to undo all the sentimental things said"
The Death Road was pretty fun, the five places listed above hurt. So everyone knows, Kyle bet 500 dollars to Coulsen that I would die, I would like some of the money Coulsen won (after all, it was my choice whether or not to die).
The lack of confidence from friends, and less-friends hurt. After we got to the bottom we went to this really cool animal reserve place and I played with some Monkeys and Ocelots.
I have to keep reminding myself that today is pretty much the last day I'll be in Bolivia, and then I'll probably never have to see Sam again (you wouldn't care to see him again after spending two weeks with him). He is just picking really retarded things to argue about, such as attacking my pseudonym, just pointless arguing. After all, is my pseudonym and him saying its stupid isn't going to change anything. And then of course he goes on to point out that I'm not as good as a writer than his precious BYU 100 Hour Board. I would hope not, most of those guys are going through Master's programs. Honestly? Is Sam an idiot? The event that sparked this took place roughly 2 minutes ago. I can't wait to get home, away from idiotic and unintelligent criticisms, and self-obsessed "superior" humor. One more day, one more day...

Sunday, July 8, 2007

The Last Will and Testament of

Mood: In the Sun (and its various remixes) again...
Countdown: 3 more mornings waking up in Bolivia

Things I'm Looking Forward To When I Return:

  1. Flushing toilet paper down the toilet
  2. Fresh fruit and vegetables
  3. Fast internet
  4. Fast computers
  5. People who speak english as well (or maybe a little better maybe) as I do
  6. People I know
  7. Drinkable tap water
  8. My imaginary girlfriend
  9. My cell phone (I have it to call my parents when I land, but it doesn't work in Bolivia)
  10. My own iTunes and iPod
  11. "Safe" water and ice and all other forms of water on anything (or included with anything)
  12. Political stability
  13. Not having to have Sam and Ben around
  14. Escape from the infernal game of Mao (which I swear I will only play if attractive (as I dub attractive (like really attractive (like people who I would like))))
  15. Non-pirated movies in movie theaters in English
  16. A Costa Vida pork salad (I've been craving lettuce)
  17. Cold drinks
  18. Heat (I really really really like hot weather)
  19. Attractive girls (there haven't been too many, you'd think in a city this big...)
  20. My family (everyone sigh and say how cute. Aren't I just the cutest thing?)
Things I will miss:
  1. Ultra cheap prices
  2. A 8:1 exchange rate
  3. Awesome hats
  4. Cholitas!!!!!!!!
  5. Betsy reading aloud (Betsy is Sam's mummy)
  6. Throwing paper airplanes out of the 14th floor of a building
Things I've learned:
  1. Don't play Mao (of course unless hott girls are present)
  2. Boring Provo has wonderful things
  3. Things that you shouldn't do (regarding immoral things) are all cognates (Fornucacion anyone?)
  4. Church is the same everywhere
And now for the last thing: The Last Will and Testament of

Preface: I am riding down the aptly named Camino de Muerte (Road of Death, or in other words Death Road) on a bike. I'm definitely not looking forward to it (it is the most dangerous road in the world after all), and in case I die, I would like to leave this, The Last Will and Testament of .
  1. I leave all my Bolivia memories to Sam and the other Deardens
  2. To Kyle:Every lie I've ever told
  3. All my gifts to the various people that I bought them for:
    1. A hat and a manbag to my dad
    2. A bag and two magnets to my sister
    3. A backpack to kyle
    4. A hat to my grandpa
    5. A single layer hat to my cousin
    6. My room, to Kevin, who would probably like to live there
    7. My clothes to anyone who would want them (or fit them).
    8. My iPod dock and job to Jon
    9. All of my CD's and my screen ID's to my sister
    10. The pseudonym Drake Frost to Coulsen, the originator of the name
    11. Howard (my dragonfly who is frozen in my freezer) to Shelbey, because she loves him so much
    12. My Bolivian stuff to my parents to cry over
    13. All my money in my various funds to pay for my funeral and to fly my body back
    14. All my nudist dreams to be divied up to Coulsen, Kyle, Johnny, and Mark
  1. To Tess (one of my favorite people and fellow Hufflepuff) all the awesome things I've ever done
As you can see I'm not looking forward to it...

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

El Cuatra De Julio (en La Paz)

Mood: In the Sun (there are like fifty versions, and I'm listening to all of them).

Instead of starting off with a normal list, I'm going to have some personality profile tests I've done.
  • In the Color code I am Red/White (Red being the dominate color).
  • According to various Harry Potter sorting quizzes I am Hufflepuff (on the 20 question one), and Hufflepuff, beating Ravenclaw by one point (on the 122 question one)
  • Here is my Political compass test:

I'm close to the middle:

Economic Left/Right: -3.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.41





There is a little more about myself.

Blog: In the States the Fourth of July always means fireworks, unfortunately in Bolivia it doesn't. It sort of sucks, but that means I'm going to have to make the twenty fourth a much bigger celebration to compensate. So far I have taken two hot showers, which is freakin' awesome. The first time I took a hot shower, I made a song to the tune of here in your arms by Hellogoodbye, it goes something like this:
The Heat
Runs down
To my feet
The heat
is good
Because its warm
The water
Its warm
Really Warm
My Shower Is hot
i can't believe it
Its actually hot
I want to stay

As you can see its not a very good adaptation, but I did make it up on the spot so I'm proud of myself. This morning I also went to a place called El Valle de la Luna (Moon Valley), and it was way sweet. When I get home I'm going to make sure to post up all my pictures from Bolivia (at least the good ones). This morning I also read the entire Harry Potter 1 today, which made me feel good. I don't particularly care for Huck Finn (English summer reading part 2), plus I forgot how much I enjoyed the first Harry Potter (primarily because I really just like detailed worlds, even though action is nice). Its just so fun to read the things J.K. Rowling has invented and adapted, she goes up for one of my author heroes for that.
Sam's little brother Ben (who is 14) plays my Nintendo DS constantly, and it is starting to get a little annoying. I also think that if I have to hear Sam's "proffesional" view and criticisms of the world again I'm either going to:
a) Jump off a building
b) Jump off a cliff
c) Ride a bus in Israel
d) Throw him off a cliff/building/tall place

Its just getting really irritating, my parents were right, two and a half weeks with the same people will drive you crazy. In this case, the only people driving me crazy are Sam and Ben. Betsy (Sam's mom) is awesome, and so is his Dad and two younger sibblings. Betsy reads aloud to Eli (the youngest), and I listen, because she is really good at reading aloud.
Countdown til return (day I leave on plane): 7