Monday, June 18, 2007

Deserts, a Date, Cacti, Father's Day, and Getting Lost

Mood:Boys Like Girls

Things I Learned In the Desert:

  • Getting lost sucks
  • Water is very nice, especially cold water
  • Stepping on a cactus hurts
  • There are way more needles than just the big ones poking out of your foot
  • Taking a nap in a slot canyon is awesome
  • Telling people, who have been waiting for you, you went to a gas station after you got lost makes them angry
  • Air conditioning is a gift from God

Blog: Hola! As you can see I haven't posted for a while. Most of the time I was in southern Utah in a place called Pariah Canyon, and when I got back I fell asleep, and the next day was Father's Day so I couldn't really do anything.

The desert was fun, and hot. We left the church at like five o'clock, so we didn't get to where our camp was supposed to be until midnight, fortunately it was seventy degrees outside when we arrived. After we set up camp, we managed to climb into bed at about two thirty in the morning, and we had to wake up early the next morning. After breakfast we had to split up into groups of ten so the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) wouldn't get mad at us. I was sort of ticked because I couldn't go with my friends, all of who were in the other group. The adults in my group were cool, but I was still pretty upset, because most of the other guys in my group were irritating (except one). We set off second, and after four hours we found out we were lost. At about fourty minutes into our hike we took a wrong turn and hiked two and a half miles in shadeless 105 degree weather. After discovering we were lost, we turned around and hiked another two and a half miles. When we reached the first part of the slot canyon (which averages around seventy degrees inside), my group decided to take a nap so we could rest up and conserve water (which was almost all gone). We did finally make it to our cars (back at the beginning) and everyone was out of water. We toasted our being alive with ice cold water and sprite. Then we decided, since we deserved it, that we should drive to a gas station that was in a nearby town and get food and drinks. I got a 44oz wild cherry Pepsi, which I downed in like two minutes. We then headed back to camp, and kept trying to tell the other group that we were ok, and that they should go back.

Upon reaching camp, we discovered that the other group had not arrived, and decided to arrange a "rescue party". We restocked our camel backs with water, and I just carried my cup that still had some ice in it, so I could tag along. When we did make contact with the group, the headed to meet us. Instead of meeting joyful sighs of relief, I meet scowls of anger. Primarily because I made a big deal about how we went to a gas station. The had run out of water a few hours earlier, so we gave them our camel backs and hiked back up to camp. On the way back Taylor apologized to me about the stuff he said, which made me feel good. I guess now all he has to do is apologize to my dad (who knows if that will happen though). It felt good to have him apologize, and I was suprised how less angry it made me.

That night I stepped on a cactus, and my foot hurt really bad. I had needles every where, and after pulling out all the big ones I could see, Kevin had to get the pliers and pull out the small ones I could feel. We pulled out over thirty needles. My Dad and I left the next morning while everyone else hiked, primarily because my foot still killed, and he had another issue I don't want to talk about. When we made it home, I crashed on my bed for two hours.

I woke up to my cell phone ringing, and when I picked it up I found out it was Chase. Chase wanted to go on a date, in two hours! That of course goes against everything I stand for, I try to at least ask three days before, but I did my duty and called up a girl. We went to see Fantastic Four 2, and then went to Cold Stone, which was fun. When I got home I went to bed, and then "celebrated" Father's Day, and went up to my Grandma and Grandpa's house, which was way fun. Unfortunately, I learned that I'm being forced to go up to Wyoming and visit my other Grandma (who I don't like as much) and her newest husband Thane. When I got home my family watched School for Scoundrels. Today, for some reason is one the first day in a while where I have been happy, which makes me happy.

Movie Reviews:

  • Fantastic Four 2:Rise of the Silver Surfer-After seeing the first one I was a little bit hesitant, but it still looked cool, and it was (suprisingly!). The story line was pretty good, and the fight scenes were sweet. The movie was good, even though the lines were sort of cheesey. 3 1/2 stars.
  • School for Scoundrels: Jon Heder and Billy Bob Thorton star in this comedy about a guy who is a wuss, and the class he joins to change that. Thorton runs the class, and is quite a deviant. Heder does a good job, even though the humor is a little crude (but still hilarious). A comedy movie to watch alone. 2 1/2 stars.


Anna said...

Wow... You are odd.
Learn grammar and spelling, please.

Shelbey said...

Awwww, poor Drakie.