Mood: Death Cab for Cutie
Quote: "It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time." -Winston Churchill (if you don't know who he is you're sad)
What to do When a Friend Irritates You:
- Keep a comfortable distance
- Listen to whatever ignorant argument may be going on
- Sit silently knowing you are right
- Be friendly
- Encourage a comfortable distance to continue
Blog: It seems as though sometimes things changed unexpectedly. Friends come and go, people move, and others simply don't change.
I had some friendly chats with various people today, and was suprised to see how much things have/have not changed. Everything is different, it is a truly wonderful and exciting experience. I don't see the same people I saw "all the time" last year, and I keep bumping into people I hardly knew last year. Mostly I think this is a change for the good. Certain people move on, others simply won't, I continue onward. Some people change their lives fast, others slow, others never.
Here is what I would do if I were me:
First and foremost I would go with the flow. I simply need to observe and adapt, this brings into the four goals of a psychologist: observe, descirbe, explain, control. I bolded the last one because I find it particularly frightening when you think of it out of context. If I learn about what is going on I can control it, if not, oh well.
Secondly, I would enjoy. A great example of this would be my wonderful fall during English today. I leaned a little too far in my chair and made a slow, five second descent into the person behind me. It was absolutely wonderful, embarrassing, but wonderful. I would enjoy every good thing that came to me, and enjoy some of the negative things that were closer to being good also. I would just need to enjoy the moment (and all past moments, and hopefully all future moments as well).
Thirdly, I would most definitely let majorly fine chicks come to me. This semi-ties in with the first thing I would do if I were me. I find letting them come to me a much better alternative than for me coming to them like a dog, crawling, drooling, completely submissive, and without any common sense, not to mention the urge be pet. Now one must remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder (which, in this case, is me). Majorly fine chicks can be fine on the inside, although the outside is nice. This hopefully, would prevent myself from looking like more of an idiot than I already am, of which I nearly did 5 times today.
Fourthly, I will do what I can. There is only so much time in a day, an attention span, and waking hours to do everything that "everyone" wants me to do. If I were me (which I am) I would simply do all I can, and leave the rest up to chance. Although it seems that there is a certain expectation of perfection, this is entirely impossible. One can only do so much and stay sane. Everyone has a different sanity-work-tolerance level, of course one needs to figure out what that is first. If I were me I would make a habit of only doing what I can and not worrying about the rest. Perfection comes with luck, which sometimes I am lucky enough to have.
If I were me, I would definitely follow this advice. It seems that Me has some trouble following it, and I definitely wants Me to do so. As for chicas (and potential chica-friend people) that will have to be for some other time. I and Me will have to argue about it...
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