Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Boot Camp

Mood: Louis Armstrong

Quote: "People try to predict the future, visionaries change it." -An ad I found in Time.

I wish:

  1. There was more time in the day
  2. I didn't have as much homework
  3. I could write as well, and as fast, as I can think
  4. If people were in love with me I would know who they were
  5. I lived in an eternal summer

Blog: I decided, approximately thirty minutes ago that I needed to learn more. That I wasn't quite where I wanted to be, so, I tore down my story that I had been writing over the last two weeks (nearly 9 pages) and threw them away. I decided, I haven't read enough. I haven't figure out language enough. So, I went through my house, pulled off ten or eleven books that I decided to read, ranging from Benjamin Franklin to Walden and sat them in a pile. I have also devised a new regiment that I will attempt to follow. It is as follows:

  • I will, over the next few months base most entertainment on literature.
  • When I am not doing homework, I will be reading
  • When I am not reading, I will be writing
  • When I am not writing I will be playing guitar.
  • I will only watch T.V. to watch: House, Heroes, The Office, and possibly Cold Case, or something special with the family.
  • I will limit video games played to 2.5 hours a week (they promote creativity for me, I think so)
  • I will only be on the computer, other than the reason specified, for posting, checking e-mail, and writing or doing homework. Other computer-based activities will be added as I enter phase two

This is to begin immediately and last for the next few months. Wish me luck, and if you have any book recomendations, please add one at any time and state the reason why.

Yours Truly,

Drake Frost


Isabelle Wright said...

Excellent self-improvement plan, Harry. Quite astonishingly educational.

If I find any people in love with you, I'll let you know. There is probably a silent majority of Harrison Fan Club Members somewhere, I'll start an investigation.

grauntbetsy said...

Amazing, great job, Walden is interesting, but don't read it first, you'll be dejected because it's so dense. Leave it until later. I should probably start what you're doing, but I want to have some relaxation time. Make sure that you get at least some down time.

Kirk said...

haha no that was not Betsy, your second mother, but me, I was unknowingly logged into my mom's gmail.

Isabelle Wright said...

UPDATE: I found the Harrison Fan Club and joined. Unfortunately they have some Mafia tendencies and I am sworn to secrecy.