Mood: Relax
Quote: You know, the courts may not be working any more, but as long as everyone is videotaping everyone else, justice will be done.
Matt Groening (1954 - ), The Simpsons
Things to do before school starts:
- Work
- Finish English
- Enjoy the remaining 10 days of summer
- Go school shopping
- Go swimming at least one more time
Movie Reviews:
- Hot Rod-A comedy along the lines of Napoleon Dynamite (except incredibly worse). The movie was funny at some parts, but most of the time it was pretty stupid. 3/5 stars
- The Bourne Ultimatum- The freakin' coolest movie ever! Way better than the second one, and just awesome. The filming is cool, the fight scenes rock, and lots of cars crash. Not to mention they set it up for a fourth one. Pure awesome: 5/5 stars
Blog: F.Y.I. my sister took eclipse to girls camp, which doesn't make me happy.
Click on the Video (either top or bottom, both are the same) on your right.
Need I say more?
P.S. I find this to be the grandtepulous video ever.
1 comment:
I have only one question: Why does Emrys know all of the words to "Everytime We Touch"? He will never hear the end of this.
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