Mood: Ministry of Magic (nerdy wizardrock band Samuel showed me)
Quote: "Families are like fudge - mostly sweet with a few nuts." ~Author Unknown
I've been really lucky on this trip:
- There were no lines!!!!!!! (Yet, I still have to fly home)
- I haven't made my cousin cry.
- I finished Ender's Game, and I will finish 1984.
- I met a way cool guy.
- I had a good dinner (that wasn't really lucky, I knew it would be good).
- I totally fell in love with the Wii (but I still like the Xbox 360, the internal struggle is so intense).
Movie Review:
Dan In Real Life- Finally. Finally. Finally, I saw it. Finally. It was awesome. Relatively intelligent humor, Steve Carrell is better than he is in the office. There isn't any sex or naughty things like that and its clean basically. You just have to see it. 4.5/5 stars
Blog: Tomorrow I leave North Carolina to arrive at my home. Strangely, North Carolina (or rather the area I'm in in it) is home to a world famous whitewater park. Who would have thought? So of course, being the wannabe whitewater junkie that I am, I took a lesson with my Dad. It was really fun even though its like 50 something outside and the water was 50 degrees. I totally lost feeling in my hands, but it was awesome. I'm probably coming back next summer to for a week to do some more lessons, then I will hopefully be able to go on a couple weekend trips with some friends. I'll even break the rules and let some girls go if they want (naughty, well, kinda naughty).
Here are a few quotes from my cousins."
- "
why do you have lots of zits on your face?"-Carly (she's a young lass) - "
why do you have red dots on your face?"-Ethan (a younger lad) - To me: "You're wierd" To Ethan: "No I'm not" To me: "Yeah you are and your farts smelt so bad, woowee, do you remember that?" To Ethan: "I'm not weird, and my farts still smell bad."-Conversation with Ethan, he's five.
- "Are you wearing a bra?"-Ethan to a younger cousin of mine (who I think is like 10 or 11)
- "He has two cowlicks. That's freaky, its like two eyes in the back of his head. Ethan, are you an alien?"-My Dad
- "You have chubby cheeks, its like fat and stuff."-Ethan to my Dad
- "I'm gonna leave here with a complex." -The Dadman
- Ethan: "Mommy does your brain ever stop talking to you?" My Aunt:"What kind of things is your brain saying to you?" (He meant thinking) Me:"Kill the wench."
- "He spelt my name and I felt cool, then my mom reminded me that my name was his last name so I felt significanly less cool." Me to my uncle
Thats my vacation in a nutshell. Its been suprisingly good.