Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Theories and Reviews

Mood: Hinder
Because I didn't start this blog til one third of the way through summer, I have to catch up on some of my reviews and theories that I have invented thus far.
First I'll go over the movies I have watched, either on DVD or the movie theatre:

  • Stomp the Yard-Basic black movie like Drumline, I think I saw one white person (not that that was a bad thing), I ended the movie feeling that "stepping" is pretty much a glorified drill team for men. The filming during the dancing was sort of funky, which was unfortunate because the dance scenes would have otherwise been cool. 3/5 stars.
  • Pirates of the Carribean 3-I don't know if this is even worth putting up because I'm pretty sure everyone has seen it (who doesn't love Johnny Depp as Captain Jack? Plus there is Orlando for the ladies, and Kiera Knightly for the guys). I thought it was pretty good, they left it open for a fourth one, but with enough closure to end the series. 4/5 stars
  • Pan's Labrynth-I remembered reading about it in Time, and when it got traded into Graywhale I immediately decided to check it out. It is in Spanish (unfortuantely for me, its in Spain Spanish which is a little different than the Spanish I learn in school) with English subtitles, and has to be one of the greatest films I have seen in a while. The filming and animation are superb. Rated R for rockin' it, I think its only rated R because of one scene where a guy gets his face bashed in (I closed my eyes, it was sort of gross). 5/5 Stars
  • Ocean's 13: Everyone knows the first one rocked, and the second one, well, rocked a lot less. Ocean's 13 is back in the same style as Ocean's 11, and almost as good. 4/5

Now one to some theories that I have been theorizing:

  • Do the guys who get all the girls cheat on them because that is they way they are, or do guys cheat on them because they can get all the girls?
  • Are the hot girls always mean? Or are they mean because they're hot?
  • Why are most nerds generally not good-looking? Or are they nerds because they are generally not good-looking?

Overall these three can be summarized as disposition vs enviroment. I think I'm voting for enviroment.

Blog: Work was most incredibly slow, and it seemed like at 7 o'clock we should start closing. But of course, in true fashion, we stayed open til we were supposed to close. It was also new release night. For those of you who don't know, the entertainment industry (excluding games) are released on Tuesday, which means for me, everything has to go up Monday night. But, my assistant manager decided to take a smoke break and talk to my ex-manager (who mysteriously showed up) for a half an hour. This means, instead of finishing the new releases by ten, we had to stay after and do it because he decided to have a chat. This sort of upset me, not because I had to stay late, but because we could have gotten it done. Today I went to my Grandma's house, and I slept the whole time, I don't know what happened to me. I have work tonight, and I'm working with my manager, which means I can't take a mental break for five hours ugh.

1 comment:

Shelbey said...

For all the theories you're theorizing, the second question is what I believe to be true.
Question: How is "hinder" a mood? I'm sure your intelligence is just way above mine and therefore you can use that word however you want. *cough*