Friday, July 27, 2007

Life is like a Peanut

Mood: Chill

Quote: "Life is a sexually transmitted disease."-R. D. Laing (If that isn't the best quote you've ever seen I don't know what is.)

The Invisible: By far one of the dumbest movies I have ever seen. The disappointing thing about this movie is that it should have been really good. The story concept is excellent, but for some reason it was written to be pathetic. The worst part of the whole movie is that the guy who is "sort of" dead falls in love with his murderer. How pathetic is that! Its like the Stockholm syndrome, only worse, and in a movie. Fortunately I saw it at the dollar movie theatre, but even then... 2/5 stars
Freedom Writers: I watched this last night at my grandma's house, and I must say it was one of the best movies I have seen. Based on a true story about a teacher who teaches English in a school in a gang-infested Long Beach school. It is an excellent and inspirational film. 5/5 stars

The good, the bad, and the ugly of working in a record store:

  • People ask you retarded questions (e.g. How much is the new Honda Civic? First of all, why are you getting a Civic. Second of all, why are you asking a a young kid that works in a CD store?)
  • You work with cool people.
  • You get to listen to new music (and know who's who)
  • Some bands have funny names
  • Some people insist they know what is right (e.g. "They have an album called stick it to the moon" (which, in american lingo makes no sense). "My computer shows that there is no Stick it to the Moon, however, there is a Stick it to the Man album. Do you want me to get it for you?" (which makes perfect sense in American lingo). "No, I know, it is Stick it to the Moon." "Ok, whatever you say." (Don't listen to the young, hip and trendy guy that works in a place where he sells what you're looking for you forty-year old hag)).

Blog: At the rate of which I tend to offend people, in the near future it would probably be a good idea to relocate my residence. Fortunately for me, my grandparents live nearby, and because I go up there so often, it is practically my second home, complete with my own toothbrush and room. So on that fateful night when the entire city decides to come after me, I can step into my jetta and drive away, laughing at the scary-looking, murder-minded folks with pitchforks coming after me. That is when, while driving home from my future hiding place, that it occurred to me. Life is like a peanut.

Life is like a peanut because it is simple, relatively short, smooth, and wonderfully delicious. But, like life, a peanut can get complicated. There is peanut butter, and various other peanut sauces. Peanuts when scrutinized, have fats, trans fats, monosaturated fats, proteins, minerals, and all sorts of other wacky little things that the average person doesn't really understand. In essence, a peanut can be looked at in two ways, simple, or rather complicated and relatively unhealthy. A peanut is like life.

Or is life like a peanut? One can never be sure. Life can be taken simply, or scrutinized and seen as a complicated. Personally I prefer the simple approach to peanuts and to life.

Some people however, choose to think of the only the bad and complicated things that make up peanuts, and not the good simple things. All some people can think about is that peanuts are abundant in LDL ("bad cholestoral"), and thus are horribly bad. People tend to look this way at life. There are numerous people who only see the LDL (Live Die Lie) in life, and not the necessary protein in it.

And that my friends, is why life is like a peanut. Which way will you look at it?

1 comment:

Shelbey said...

All I have to say is: cholesterol.